Plátanos fritos – Probably the simplest recipe in the world

A recipe that only takes three ingredients and ten minutes? EskiGaste reveals what is probably the simplest recipe in the world: we cook plátanos fritos.

Plátanos fritos come from Latin America and are eaten there as a side dish, main course or snack. The fried bananas are often served with cheese – a combination that surprises at first. But after the taste test we were convinced: Plátanos fritos with cheese taste great.

The fried bananas have many names. In addition to plátanos fritos, they are called “patacones” in Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru and Ecuador, “chatinos” in Cuba and “tostones” in the Caribbean. The latter term comes from the Spanish word tostar, which means something like “toast”. In the Caribbean, fried bananas are already served for breakfast. But the dish is also served at all other times of the day, sometimes as an accompaniment to meat, with beans, with sour cream or ketchup.

Plátanos fritos probably taste even better in Latin America than our homemade version. Because plantains are mainly used for the dish there. If you can’t find them in Germany, you can use overripe bananas. The darker the shell, the better.

Recipe for plátanos fritos from Latin America

Ingredients (for one serving)
2 bananas
tasteless oil
25g grated mozzarella
Peel the bananas and cut diagonally into 5mm thick slices.
Heat the oil in a pan and fry the banana pieces until golden brown on both sides.
Drain the oily banana pieces on paper towels. Sprinkle with cheese and enjoy.
For a creamy version with melted cheese: take the pan off the heat and cover the bananas with cheese. Then wait for the cheese to melt.

Enjoy your meal!

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